Hello Dudes,
I know that a lot of people are interested in freeletics. Thank you for your requests and feedback. I am planing to do my own review video after I have finished my 15-weeks guide (cardio & strength) in February. Furthermore I want to try out the freeletics nutrition guide and make a list of healthy meals I already postet on my blog.
Now I am in week 11 and my workouts have changed completely after I have missed 2 sessions last week. I skipped the sessions because I felt my back muscles needed some time to regenerate. So this week I have to do 4 cardio-only sessions. I think that the change of the training to cardio-only is a reaction of the freeletics training guide. If so it is good to know, that if you experience muscles failures the guide reacts on this in adapting the training intensity or focus.
I have started a Freeletics Amsterdam sports group. If you are interested to join the group just add it on Facebook.
Join my AMSTERDAM freeletics sport group now!
I train in the Sarphatipark in Amsterdam. The park is small but has all you need. A large outdoor workout area with pull-up and push up bars etc., a basketball court and one round in the park is about 800 m. There are several shortcuts so you can adapt the running distance easily to your training plan. And one important thing is, that it is not too crowded during summer and no bicycles are allowed in the park. I will add some photos as soon as the sun shines again.
Meeting point is at the training site shown as a blue pot on the map below. I will post my training times in the group. Feel free to join the stay-at-home-dude and start with your training.